I'm so excited. Come Thursday, Sep 4, 2008, my beloved Skins will step onto the field to start yet another season. We're(yes I'm vested in this team that much)facing the defending Super Bowl champions. From what I've seen thus far in the preseason, we may or may not be equipped to handle this game. We made the last of the cuts today. We let go of 22 players in order to get down to the required 53 man roster. The helmets are all shined and the cleats are all laced up. The team has done all it can to prepare for this game. All that's left for them to do is play. Will we be a pitiful specimen of a team this season? We've gotten ourselves a nice, brand new shiny head coach in Jim Zorn. He brought a few of his buddies with him when he came onboard. Those few have been mixed with the coaches that were left after the last regime left town. We didn't go crazy in the draft like we've done so many times in the past. I've just been so hopeful that the Skins can get it done this year. It's been a long and winding road. No date for the big dance since 1991. It's been a drought of epic proportions! A change must come. Will it be this year? That's what we always say; the undaunted, the dedicated, the loyal to a fault, Redskins fans that we are. We make up this proud faction of the burgundy & gold nation. We can talk smack about them, but the rest of you, may not.
This blog will be my attempt to bring my love and passion for this team to the masses that are just like me. I'll post the reactions, the questions and the frustrations that come along with being a fan of this team. I hope you'll catch a little bit of my lightening in a bottle and allow this team or this game to consume you in the way that it's consumed me. It's a great feeling.......