I remember the days when Saints fans wore paper bags over their heads to their games. What an awful thing to be forced to do. But this is football. Anything and everything can be achieved if given the proper tools. A picture like this does speak a thousand words.
As week 2 gets ready to get underway, some Redskins fans are beginning to ask if those Saints fans possibly kept some of those infamous bags from years gone by and if they can have them just in case. Yes, it's inevitably time to "do the poo" or get off the pot! Never mind that we've been on a perpetual coaching merry-go-round for years. And each coach brought a new "solution" to our problems. None of them actually HAD the answer, mind you, and if the truth be told, some weren't given the necessary time to grasp the problems, much less solve them. Another new season brings yet another go round on that carousel.
There's been nothing glamorous or "hip" about being a Redskins fan for quite some time. But it's a life that I'm not willing to lay aside. Each Sunday, it happens. That small, glimmer of hope, ignites into a passion of fire for this team that can't be denied. (If you're a Skins fan..you get it). It seems so unfair really. We're probably some of the most loyal and dedicated fans in the league, yet each year we stand by as the flames get stomped out by opposing teams on their way to the big show. We have most of the tools to emerge from the depths of mediocrity. But can we? Can we put the pieces of the puzzle in the right places at last? I know that a great majority of fans feel that Jason Campbell needs to kick it up a notch and fast. But is it fair to expect him to come out and perform flawlessly after yet another change of offense? To be honest, I've been a bit disappointed in his overall performance at the helm. I really thought he would "take off" last season. We saw flashes of his abilities from time to time. When he was on, he played very well, when he wasn't, he stunk up the joint. Have circumstances conspired to keep him less than stellar? It may not sound like it, but I'm in the camp of folks who think the guy deserves a chance to prove his worth in a more stable environment vs the "coach-go-round" that has been Washington for the past few years. Studying his craft from the bench for a year, getting his chance after an aging and injured journeyman QB failed to satisfy the appetite of this hungry franchise and it's owner, enduring the tragic loss of a teammate, and finally, sitting after a scary, but not career-ending (thankfully) injury, makes for a bumpy ride on the way to the top.
With all that said, time is moving on and Redskins fans aren't getting any younger or any more patient. If only it were as easy as putting words on a blog.
We want 'Mardi Gras' in DC! The Saints will come and they will bring their somber looking, black and gold uniforms and try to make our demons run amok in Fed Ex.
Will it be 'Fat Tuesday' or 'Black Sunday' ? Time will tell and Jason holds the keys to car. I only hope he's paid attention in driver's ed.
Prediction: Redskins -- 17* Saints -- 13
*Pure homerism at it's best! And I know you thought I was going to start with..'When the Saints go Marching In'...I admit it was tempting but in the end I didn't want the Saints to steal my thunder.
1 comment:
LOL at Henny Penny & the Gang!! That's a very astute analogy for the wide spread panic exhibited by both the media and many among Redskins Nation. I think Jason not only has the keys to the car but he's got the padlock for that barn door too! So, Jason---bar and lock the barn door and put the pedal to the metal, baby!
**insert Chief Zee's famous diesel 'vvrrum,vrruumm' here**
Delightful as always, my dear!
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