Defense wins championships.....and offense wins games!
And win is what my Skins did on Sunday! The Saints came marching in (I know...but I couldn't resist) and the Skins went marching up and down the field.
I missed kick off due to religious commitments. I was held up at church. I expected this and had prepared myself for such a time as this. I attached my old Nokia (complete with a FM radio player)on my hip as I went out the door. I fulfilled my duties as usher and proceeded to the last pew. Inserted the "wired" earpiece and turned on the ESPN980 pregame show (which is fed through 102.1 The Game here locally). The blah, blah, blah from Sheehan & Co. intermingled with the fiery word of God made for interesting entertainment. Sermon over, trustee duties assumed. I looked at the clock over the exit and was pleasantly surprised that it was 12:45pm. He had ended early! Thank the Lord, my Pastor is a football fan after all! I looked at my fellow trustee and said, "let's get to the back and get this done and get out of here!" "Ok", she agreed. Fast forward to 1:10pm . Trustee duties finished, I headed for the parking lot. Jumped in the car, raced over to Hardees to get lunch for my husband who doesn't participate in our Sunday rituals. I get behind this humongous, white truck that is unashamedly sporting, not 1 but 2, cowboy flags. I groan internally and say to myself, "I can't believe it..Only I get stuck behind a cowboy fan on my way to watch the Skins play". It was as if someone was sticking toothpicks in my eyes having to watch those horrible things sway in the breeze. Ordered food, paid, raced home, threw food on the table, raced to my room, threw on the Moss jersey, skins shorts, and clogs. Ran back to the living room, said 'hail' to my husband(no dap because we lost the last time I did that, so no more dap for him). Jumped in the car, raced to my b-i-l's house, ran up the stairs, knocked on the door, gave high 5's all around and then proceeded to gorge on my Redskins meal for the day.
A wonderful, combo meal of passes, runs and heads up defensive plays, turned this game into a much needed victory at home.
- THE BIG MAC - Amidst a sweltering heat and oppressive humidity, our QB, who just a week or so ago looked as if it were his first time on a football field, came out and played like he was made for the game. For the Redskins faithful, this was pure joy. Jason Campbell made us all breathe a sigh of relief. His numbers told the story of how well he played and they definitely improved from the opener. 24/36 321 yds 1 TD 0 INT
- THE FRIES - Clinton Portis. What else can you say about a dude who just does what he does game after game? He plays hard, shows up every game and gives it his all. 'Nuff said!
- THE CHOCOLATE SHAKE - Santana Moss. A 67 yd pass from Jason, in stride, ala 2005 against a hated rival, was the go ahead play. We haven't seen this 'Tana for a while. He's been in a rocky patch over the past several seasons. I think most of that was due to little, nagging injuries that he acquired here and there. His numbers were good as well. 7 catches, 164yds! Shake it baby!
- THE HOT FUDGE SUNDAE - De-fense De-fense. Say it with me now! The defense stepped it up to another level. Some of the regulars were inactive which allowed a rookie safety to prove his worth. And he answered the call. Chris Horton, a rookie out of UCLA came up with some larger than life plays that in the end sealed this much needed victory. I think most of us(skins fan that is)saw something in Chris Horton during the pre-season. We were just kinda laid back about it because preseason is....pre season after all. But after his performance on Sunday afternoon, we are certainly glad our gut reactions were correct about this young man. London Fletcher added 7 more tackles to bring his total tackles for 2 regular season games to 24. Can you say tackling machine? I thought you could!
- THE HEARTBURN AND INDIGESTION - There's always room for improvement. Even though I'm a complete homeristic fan of this team, I still manage, from time to time, to see beyond my own myopic view, and recognize areas where there can be improvements. As good as Jason Campbell's numbers were, they weren't as good as they could have been. There were some times when he settled for his "check down" receivers when there were 1st and perhaps 2nd options available. Now in all fairness, I wasn't at the game on Sunday, so I am relying on others' viewpoint. IMO, Jason is still holding the ball too long. His timing is still off and needs work. Drop, step, pass...boom, boom, boom! Hopefully that will come when he's more comfortable. Special teams, which is usually an area where there have been few complaints of late, just couldn't get it going for whatever reasons. Shaun Suisham missed 2 field goals. Neither one was that unmakeable in my eyes. And we allowed Reggie Bush to show us his best imitation of Devin Hester. But Reggie Bush then showed us his TO imitation and was flagged for taunting during that return which set their ensuing kick off back a few hash marks. The offense's inability to get to the promised land after sustaining some good drives. We must get better at getting the 6!
So where do we go from here? Upwards, I hope! Will we have the staying power to compete in this division? Perhaps. But it's a first year head coach and a new offense, how much should we expect? For now, I'm enjoying one game, played reasonably well. As for the rest of the season....Let's make it a combo meal to go!
On that BigMac don't forget the little bit of tanginess that pulls it all together and makes things happen. You gotta have a little pickle (ie. Cooooley)! Sorry! Couldn't resist! ;O}
Now, on to next Sunday--roast squab anyone?
Little pickle! Too funny! Great Blog Lady!
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